Hashnode X Outerbase Basejam
Oct 2023
Won under the Best Integrations category in the Hashnode X Outerbase hackathon by building Gemino, an AI-Powered German Learning Application.
Xata Content Hackathon Winner
Oct 2023
Created a Dynamic Developer Portfolio Template using offerings powered by Xata and wrote about creating and setting it up.
ConnectNovu Hackathon
Jul 2023
Got second position in ConnectNovu hackathon by building Special Dayz, a notification system that sends alerts for important dates, such as birthdays or anniversaries, with personalized content or gift recommendations powered by Artificial Intelligence.
Xata Challenge Winner
Jan 2023
Won Xata's Christmas 2022 Challenge by building ishn.xyz, a link-shortening platform. Developed and implemented a user-friendly interface for shortening and tracking links.
Apple WWDC 2022 Swift Student Challenge Winner
May 2022
Won the prestigious Swift Student Challenge, hosted by Apple during World Wide Developer Conference, 2022.
Actions on Google
May 2019
Developed two applications for Google Assistant with the help of the Google Cloud platform, which received more than 100K+ interactions worldwide. Also, facilitated by Google for the same with swags and a $2400 GCP credit.